KBank mayPOS, KBank mayPOS mini


KBank POS Highlight Features
Accept all payment types

Accept Credit and Debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Napas, JCB, UnionPay),Apple Pay, Google Pay, and QR via VietQR​

Offers full function with paper, e-receipts​

Allows you to reconcile and review transactions using both paper and electronic receipts.​

Boost up sales by installment feature

Let you offer​ ​various installment payment plans (3/6/9/12 months).


Boost your sales with KBank POS
One service fits all store size

Boost your sales with KBank POS

4 Steps away to apply our service


Contact Sales or Call K-Contact Center.

Register For Free
(028) 3821 8888

Sales staff visit your shop.


Fill application form and submit documents.


Install and get p​ayment with in 5 working days.​


Get The Best Deal for you

Small Shop
Small Shop
  • Cashback MDR for the first 60 days after installation date, maximum 3,000,000 VND per merchant
  • Cashback MDR for the first 60 days after installation date, maximum 5,000,000 VND per merchant​

Let’s explore which one fits your store best?

Large or medium store size with cashier​
Store that requires payment every​where customers are​
420 g.​
266 g.​
A full charge will last up to 24 hours​​
A full charge will last up to 24 hours​​​
Chip&PIN, NFC​
Chip&PIN, NFC​
4G,Wi-Fi (Free SIM card)​
4G,Wi-Fi (Free SIM card)​
Installment Payment Plan (3/6/9/12) months
Installment Payment Plan (3/6/9/12) months
Paper receipts

More Information​

Required Documents
A copy of the authorized person's citizen ID card or passport
Application for KBank POS payment service
A copy of the Household Business Registration Certificate
A copy of Special Business License or Certificate (if applicable)​
A copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate
A certified true copy of Company Charter
A certified true copy of Power of Attorney (if applicable)​
*Remark :All copies must be presented with original documents


​Other documents

Suggestions, Conditions and Guidelines for Use of Services as a KBank mayPOS

Click here to download >>

Fine / Fee Schedule for Repairing KBank mayPOS and Equipment

Click here to ​download >>

FAQ KBank mayPOS

Q: What cards can be accepted and which applications can scan QR?

A: Debit/Credit cards from NAPAS/VISA/Mastercard/JCB/UNIONPAY can be accepted. Mobile banking applications and e-wallets that support VietQR (Napas 247). Installment payment plan is also available with options 3/6/9/12 months

Q: Is there any deposit or monthly fee for using KBank ma​yPOS?

A: No, there is no deposit fee, no installation fee, no monthly fee, and no rental fee

Q:When will the money be paid to my KBank account?

A:For card transactions, with the transaction amount of the day, KBank will transfer the money to the registered KBank payment account of the business on the next business day (T+1) with the transaction amount after MDR and VAT deduction. For QR transactions, the transaction amount after MDR and VAT deduction will be transferred (if any) to your KBank account immediately.

Q:Do I need wifi or buy a sim card to use KBank mayPOS?

A: KBank mayPOS comes with pre-registered sim card.Merchant don't need to buy a simcard.

Q:Can KBank mayPOS print receipt? And how can I get paper rolls for receipt printing?

A: Yes, KBank mayPOS can print receipt instantly after making payment and KBank will provide paper rolls

FAQ​ KBank mayPOS mini

Q: What cards can be accepted and which applications can scan QR?

A: Debit/Credit cards from NAPAS/VISA/Mastercard/JCB/UNIONPAY can be accepted. Mobile banking applications and e-wallets that support VietQR (Napas 247). Installment payment plan is also available with options 3/6/9/12 months

Q: Is there any deposit or monthly fee for using KBank mayPOS mini?

A: No, there is no deposit fee, no installation fee, no monthly fee, and no rental fee

Q:When will the money be paid to my KBank account?

A:For card transactions, with the transaction amount of the day, KBank will transfer the money to the registered KBank payment account of the business on the next business day (T+1) with the transaction amount after MDR and VAT deduction. For QR transactions, the transaction amount after MDR and VAT deduction will be transferred (if any) to your KBank account immediately.

Q: How can I send receipt to customers?

A: Receipt will be sent to customers via email

Q:Do I need wifi or buy a sim card to use KBank mayPOS?

A: KBank mayPOS mini comes with pre-registered sim card.Merchant don't need to buy a simcard.​

Download File

KBank mayPOS Application Form PDF 1286 KB
KBank mayPOS​ Brochure PDF 76588 KB
Suggestions, Conditions and Guidelines for Use of Services as a KBank mayPOS​ PDF 1084 KB
Fine / Fee Schedule for Repairing KBank mayPOS​ and Equipment PDF 270 KB