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​Personal / Deposit

Fixed Deposit

Saving Deposit

How interest rate is calculated and paid f​or this account ?
  • When the deposit is withdrawn upon maturity, the interest shall be calculated based on interest rate agreed on the deposit date.
  • Interest is calculated using deposit amount* number of days that deposit* (%interest rate/100) /365.
  • Interest will be paid on the maturity date.
What interest rate will I receive if I withdraw the deposit before maturity date ?

In the case of early redemption, withdrawal amount shall be calculated according to the interest rate of current account on withdrawal date.

What are other conditions of this account ?
  • Partially early redemption is not allowed.
  • The deposit can be fully withdrawn before the maturity. Customer shall notify the bank in advance and shall get the interest rate of the current account with period of holding the deposit.
  • The additional deposit during the period is not applicable. Customer should open a new account and get new term of deposit for additional deposit.
How can I access/inquiry my deposit balance?
  • KBank Vietnam Branch
  • Customer Service: 1900 54 54 13
  • Any other sevice channels that are informed by KBank Vietnam in each period
What do I do in the case that Savings Certificate is crumbed/lost/torn?

In case of crumbed/lost/torn, customer is obligated to promptly notify KBank Vietnam. If the customer does not timely notify, KBank Vietnam is not responsible when the Savings Certificate is abused of any purposes.

Term Deposit

How interest rate is calculated and paid for this account ?
  • When the deposit is withdrawn upon maturity, the interest shall be calculated based on interest rate agreed on the deposit date.
  • Interest is calculated using deposit amount * number of days that deposit* (%interest rate/100) /365.
  • Interest will be paid on the maturity date.
What interest rate will I receive if I withdraw the deposit before maturity date ?

In the case of early redemption, withdrawal amount shall be calculated according to the interest rate of current account on withdrawal date.

What are other conditions of this account ?
  • Partially early redemption is not allowed.
  • The deposit can be fully withdrawn before the maturity. Customer shall notify the bank in advance and shall get the interest rate of the current account with period of holding the deposit.
  • The additional deposit during the period is not applicable. Customer should open a new account and get new term of deposit for additional deposit.
How can I access/inquiry my deposit balance?
  • KBank Vietnam Branch
  • Customer Service: 1900 54 54 13
  • Any other sevice channels that are informed by KBank Vietnam in each period
What do I do in the case that Agreement on Term Deposit is crumbed/lost/torn?

In case of crumbed/lost/torn, customer is obligated to promptly notify KBank Vietnam. If the customer does not timely notify, KBank Vietnam is not responsible when the Agreement on Term Deposit abused of any purposes.