E-Saving Account

Key Features

Convenient transactions  

Convenient transactions

Easily access through our mobile
banking application

Mobile Banking


Flexibility to top up and withdraw
as you wish

Earn interest every day!  

Safe and Secure

Ensure that your transactions are safe and secure with our mobile banking application

Mobile Banking

Product Benefits

E-Saving account is an online deposit account that enables you to perform your transactions anywhere anytime with our mobile banking application

  • Currencies: Vietnam Dong (VND)
  • Minimum Account Opening: VND 0 - No Minimum
  • Interest: Interest accrued on daily basis and paid monthly on 25th of every month

Account Opening


  • In case of no movement of the account more than 6 months, dormant fee will be charged monthly at the end of each month


  • Vietnamese individuals aged from 18 years old and above

Documents required

  • Valid Identification Card / Passport
  • Please contact the bank for other documents required

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I open the E-Saving account ?

E-Saving account can be opened via mobile banking application of KASIKORNBANK in Vietnam.

If I am not an existing KBank customer, can I open this account via KBank’s mobile banking application ?

Yes, this account can be opened in our mobile banking application for both existing and non-existing KBank customers.

Are there any transaction limits when perform transaction using this account ?

There are transactions limits applied when performing transaction via mobile banking application. Please contact the bank for more information.

How interest rate is calculated for this account ?

E-Saving account is considered to be one of the Current account. Interest rate is calculated and accumulated daily using End of day balance* (%interest rate/100) /365.

Contact Center

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(028) 3821 8888

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